
All Server Rules For Peaky Blinders Gaming!

No Cheating, Scripting, bug abuse or exploiting.

Avoid spam, racism, homophobia and other languages in chat.

No pornagrahic/racist/adminabuse images and text on pictures frames or wooden signs

or you could loose the privilage to write on signs untill the next wipe

You may only speak English in chat. We cannot moderate languages we cannot understand

Admins do not give items to players so don't ask.

No pretending to be a member of the Administration or staff.

[PBG] PvP x3

The clan limit is 8. No exceptions will be made to this rule. The clan limit is the same for clans that are allied with others. 8 is the limit. No more.


Side Note: More rules can be found on the servers by doing /info.

If you've been muted, do not spam Admins or Chat Mods asking to be unmuted. This will only result in further disciplinary action. Remember that items will not be given by Admins on the servers, so do not ask.